Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изученияТеоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения · Lucy, I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to ask you if you’d like to join our school’s “Being Green” society. · “Being Green”? What does it mean? Should I wear only clothes in green if I become a member of your society? · Huh, that’s a funny conclusion. No, you may choose any colour for your clothes you like. “”Being Green” isn’t connected with the colour. It’s about the environmental awareness. · What does the environmental awareness mean? · It just means being aware of environmental problems such as pollution of soil, air and water and trying to find solutions of these problems. · Wow, that sounds great. Sign me in. Environmental awareness is a lifestyle of people who care about the environment and understand that it is our responsibility to protect the nature and stop being reckless when it comes to its problems. To talk about these problems we should use some words. Avid- ярый, captivity - неволя, cycle – ездить на велосипеде, danger - опасность, drop - бросать, extinction – вымирание, вырождение, identity card – удостоверение личности, litter - мусор, marine life – морские обитатели, necessary - необходимый, obligatory- обязательный, own - владеть, passenger - пассажир, permission - разрешение, phone call – телефонный звонок, recommend- рекомендовать, seat belt – ремень безопасности, There are some verbs that change their meaning depending on the preposition that follows them. We call these verbs “phrasal” verbs. run away from – убегать от, run into - натолкнуться, run out of – исчерпать, закончиться, run over – переехать, задавить. There are some certain verbs in the English language, that are called modal verbs. These verbs are: can/ could, may/might, must/have to, ought to, shall/should, will/would. These verbs have some general qualities. 1. They don’t change their form (except for “have to”) 2. For questions and negative sentences themselves; 3. Are followed by the infinitive. These verbs can express different functions, such as: obligation/duty/necessity – must (very strong obligation), have to (something very necessary), should/ought to (duty, something not very necessary) Absence of necessity – don’t have to; Permission/Prohibition – Can/may (permission), can’t/ mustn’t (prohibition) Possibility - can (something is possible in general), could/may/might (something is possible in some specific situation). Ability - can/could/be able to Logical assumptions – must (100% sure), may/might/could (less than 100% sure), can’t/couldn’t (almost impossible) Offers/Suggestions – can/would/shall/could Advice – should/ought to/ shall To form negative adjectives we can use prefixes such as - un (able - unable), - dis (infected – disinfected) – in (appropriate – inappropriate), - ir (relevant – irrelevant), -mis (leading – misleading), -im (patient – impatient) or the suffix –less (fear – fearless) Разбор решения заданий тренировочного модуля. Задание ТВ 1 Find 7 words
1. Внимательно прочитайте задание. Вам необходимо найти слова. 2. Слова можно искать по вертикали и по горизонтали