Контрольная работа по итогам 7 модуля 9 класс. 20 апреля 2020.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Контрольная работа по итогам 7 модуля 9 класс. 20 апреля 2020. Выполняем в тетради. Там, где выбор ответа или вписать слово- ставим № задания № предложения и пишем свой вариант. Перевод на русский язык задания №1 – пишем полностью всё предложение. 1. Underline the correct modal verb. Подчеркните наиболее походящий модальный глагол. 1. You can / must raise your hand and wait before you ask a question. 2. In Britain, all teens have to / may stay in school until they are 16 years of age. 3. In the old days, teachers could / should hit students with a ruler if they misbehaved in class. 4. In certain schools, students may / must stand when their teacher enters the room. 5. You should / might spend time studying if you want to get good marks. 6. Steven wants to go out but his mum said he needn’t / can’t go until he has finished his homework. 7. We need / mustn’t to decide who will be class president. 8. I didn’t see Bill today, he should / must have taken the day off. 9. “Can / May I leave early today, please?” Sarah asked. 10. Kate looked pale in the doctor’s office. She may / might be ill. 2. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого и выпишите его. 1. If I were you, I would take / will take an emergency kit on holiday. 2. When I go to Venice next year, I attend / will attend the Carnival. 3. If I had more time, I would join / would have joined the gym. 4. I wish Tom came / had come to your party. 5. If only I weren’t doing / am not doing my test on English now!
3. Complete the sentences using the correct tense. Измените глагол в скобках в соответствии с правилом условных предложеий. 1. If we __________ (mix) blue and blue, we get green. 2. If we all _________ (use) public transport, pollution will be reduced. 3. If I wasn’t on a diet, I __________ (order) a dessert. 4. If you __________ (play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter. 5. If you stop eating so much junk food, you _____________ (lose) weight.