


Случайная статья

Теоретический блок


Дисциплина ОГСЭ. 04 Иностранный язык
Группа 441, 23А, 241
Дата занятия 01. 12. 2020
Преподаватель Хабарова М. В.
Способ коммуникации https: //vk. com/id1184101
Сроки выполнения до 08. 12. 2020
Формат предъявления письменная работа и устный ответ на очной встрече
Дополнительная информация -

Тема:   6. 3. Организация работы с детьми, отстающими в обучении. Специфические методы обучения, рекомендации педагогам.


Количество часов: 2

Цель: формирование навыков смыслового чтения. Формирование грамматических навыков.


Теоретический блок

  1. Актуализация имеющихся знаний.


Такого мы еще не делали! Посмотрите видео https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=ye3-vJkO0A8 и устно выполните все те задания, которые там предлагают на трансформацию предложений в активном залоге в пассивный. Включите субтитры. Вы в любой момент можете остановить видео, подумать и произнести. Не волнуйтесь, если не получается сразу: вначале вы можете просто просмотреть видео, а при повторном просмотре трансформировать предложения.


  1. Новая информация.

Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Обратите внимания на лексику, подлежащую проверке (выделено жирным шрифтом). Убедитесь, что вы понимаете слов значение корректно.

Запишите в тетрадь основную идею текста в виде тезиса (2-4 предложения).


Intellectual disability and studying   Intellectual disability means that a child learns more slowly than other children of the same age. Also, he has difficulties learning the skills for living and working in the community. These include communication, self-care, social and personal safety skills. Professionals usually talk about intellectual developmental delay, rather than intellectual disability, when a child is very young. Sometimes a child's learning is slow for a while due to a serious illness, a change in family circumstances or a temporary hearing loss. But these children may catch up later on learning and then continue to develop like other children of the same age. However, if a significant learning delay continues as the child gets older and this delay affects a few areas of the child's development, professionals will begin to speak of an intellectual disability. This means that the child is expected to continue to learn at a slower rate than other children of the same age into adulthood. A child's rate of learning will depend upon the degree of intellectual disability - from mild, moderate to severe. A teacher or a parent should always remember that children with an intellectual disability will have limitations in thinking skills, including the ability to reason (working things out) and remember. They will have difficulties with attention and organizing information. Also, children with an intellectual disability have trouble seeing how things or events relate to each other. For example, they may find it difficult to understand that forks, knives and spoons all belong to a bigger category called 'cutlery'. Children with an intellectual disability need more structure and support to develop basic skills, such as understanding, talking and dressing. They usually take longer to remember familiar people or show an interest in the things around them. Every person with an intellectual disability can learn and develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally throughout life. However, learning may need more guidance, take more time and require more structure. Children with intellectual disability may find it hard to use their knowledge or skills in new situations. Parents should teach and re-teach skills and behaviour in each place. For example, a child may learn to wash his hands at home. However, he may need help to learn to do the same task at preschool or school. You may find that, to your surprise, your child is able to pack away his or her things at school but does not do so at home! This is because it has always been done by a parent or grandparent. Children should receive additional support at preschool or school depending upon their levels of need. For instance, if the child relies heavily on routine and structure, he or she may be more comfortable in the classroom than in the school's playground. Children do not need to be " taught" to learn, (in fact too much " teaching" too early may put them off). They are learning from everything they do. Children learn from watching, listening, asking, trying new things and, very importantly, practicing the skills they have learned.  


 III. В ходе чтения найдите в тексте и выделите 2-3 примера использования пассивного залога.

  1. Домашнее задание.

Распечатайте файлы, указанные в группе дистанционного задания (это персонально! ) и выполните их от руки, вписывая ответы ручкой. Не забудьте указать имя, фамилию и группу. Задание предъявляется на очной встрече 8. 12. 2020 (на выполнение 8 дней).

Задание оценивается.

«5» - 90 – 100% правильных ответов, «4» - 75 – 89 % правильных ответов, «3» - 60 – 74 % правильных ответов, «2» менее 60% правильных ответов.




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