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Enterprise Ilembe - Ilembe District

As economic development agency ILembedistrict we are mandated to economic development, promoting trade and investment right here in our region. Working together to stimulate local commercial activity creating jobs and improving quality of life ILembe district simply provide the tools. Some of the strategic goals by which this is enforced is through Facilitating and packaging in existing sectors. Building and coordinating partnerships among socio economic stakeholders and ensuring sound financial management and viability of this entity. ILembe district welcome all to this diverse place predominantly represented by Africans, Indians, Asians.

ILembe districtsituated along the north coast ensure that you are able to enjoy subtropical climate for most of the year. When enjoying your stay of vacation or business it’s good to know that the weather is ultimately mostly on your side and long pick nick and day trips to the beach are one off the amazing experiences you can look forward to. With all the sandy beaches in thistemperature or climate conditions which are pleasant will have you finding yourself enjoying the warm ocean for refreshing and cooling swim. In the holiday months the district is swamped with all sorts of local and international travelers looking for the best spot to spend a short or even long summer vacation.

Apart from the historical culture and the history supporting the ILembe district you are entertained by much more than the festivities which take place but by the rich culture and history it derived from. Long walks on the warm beaches, cultural performances and entertainment have a very livelihood and can be experience just walking down the road. For those who prefer adrenaline heart pounding adventures there are activities such as the famous shark cage diving, scuba diving and other water related activities including boat rides and excursions.

ILembe district is ahonored to present itself in such a diverse rich heritage area that can be enjoyed by all ages and races and are happy to display the work and economic growth they continue to bring through this establishment. Among the many great things you can get to experience here the food is definitely a winner from the traditional meals to the amazingly delicious curries they are well known for in this province will leave your mouth watering for more. This is because half the population consist of Indians who know just how to cook the best curries right out of India. The nature and wildlife will intrigue you from monkeys to dolphins to birds be sure to have your mind shaken.

For more information please visit our website on: http: //www. enterpriseilembe. org. za/


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