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In realpolitik terms, this “kind of Cold War” is already on; across the Beltway, China is unanimously regarded as the premier US national security threat. 


Insider view: the tragedy of the US Deep State  


Pepe Escobar



Henry Kissinger, 97, Henry the K. for those he keeps close, is either a Delphic oracle-style strategic thinker or a certified war criminal for those kept not so close.


He now seems to have been taking time off his usual Divide and Rule stock in trade – advising the combo behind POTUS, a. k. a. Crash Test Dummy - to emit some realpolitik pearls of wisdom.   


At a recent forum in Arizona, referring to the festering, larger than life Sino-American clash, Henry the K. said, “It’s the biggest problem for America; it’s the biggest problem for the world. Because if we can’t solve that, then the risk is that all over the world a kind of cold war will develop between China and the United States. ”

In realpolitik terms, this “kind of Cold War” is already on; across the Beltway, China is unanimously regarded as the premier US national security threat.  

Kissinger added US policy toward China must be a mix of stressing US “principles” to demand China's respect and dialogue to find areas of cooperation: “ I'm not saying that diplomacy will always lead to beneficial results... This is the complex task we have... Nobody has succeeded in doing it completely. ”

Henry the K. actually must have lost the – diplomatic - plot. What Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are now involved in, full time, is to demonstrate – mostly to the Global South – how the American-enforced “rules-based international order” has absolutely nothing to do with international law and the respect of national sovereignty.  

At first I had archived these Henry the K. platitudes out of sight. But then someone who used to hold a stellar position at the top of the US Deep State showed he had been paying close attention.


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