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The order of work on the course Basics of project management

The order of work on the course " Basics of project management"


Our course starts on 14. 02. 2022. All the student's work on the course is organized in the Moodle system. Link to the course - http: //education. nntu. ru/course/view. php? id=616

Login is the students' email address. Password for the first login: moodlestudent, then the system will automatically request a password change. If the name of the mail has capital letters, then the login in the system will consist only of capital letters.

The course consists of 8 lessons. Some lessons are divided into several parts. Each class according to the schedule is devoted to one lesson (part of the lesson). Everything you should do on the day of the class according to the schedule is indicated in the КАЛЕНДАРЬ section.


For each lesson (part of the lesson) in Moodle, you should:

1. Watch the video lesson.

2. Study the lecture notes.

3. Perform the test.

For some lessons, you have to complete additional tasks. You should send reports on these tasks to me for verification using Moodle


All lesson materials will be opened gradually according to the schedule.

Consultations at which I will answer all your questions will be held ONLY according to the schedule of classes using Zoom (if you need it) & in your VK, Whatsapp groups. 

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

https: //us06web. zoom. us/j/4097881697? pwd=SFBwOUY2MDJVWWMvYnI3MkN4MHN1Zz09

Идентификатор конференции: 409 788 1697

Код доступа: 436940

At the end of the semester 06. 06. 2022 you will take an individual test. You will be offered 7 questions and 3 practical tasks. You will perform the test in a classroom in the NSTU academic building.

I wish you good luck! See you!


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