


Случайная статья

Shopping. Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.

Тест №3

Shopping. Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.



I. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа:

1) What can I do … you?

a) to b) for c) on


2) Please, I’d … to buy half a kilo of sausage.

a) pay b) wrap c) like


3) It is too small. Do you have … size?

a) larger b) smaller c) less


4) I usually … shopping on Sunday.

a) does b) do c) see


5) Where do you buy biscuits? We buy them at the … department.

a) butcher’s b) baker’s c) fishmonger’s


6) Tom can buy … at the dairy department.

a) sugar b) fish c) milk


7) What do you buy at the fishmonger’s department? I buy …

a) salt b) caviar c) cheese


8) What do you buy at the butcher’s department?

a) mutton b) grapes c) sweets


9) What … of dress do you want? Show me something in brown.

a) number b) colour c) size


10) She took a … of macaroni.

a) bottle b) package c) piece


11) Does it … you well?

a) wrap b) fit c) can


12) This is too … . I’d like something cheaper.

a) good b) cheap c) expensive


II. Найди соответствия:

1. How many stores are in the immediate vicinity of your house? 2. What departments do you like most in shops? 3. What do you usually buy in the store? 4. Do you like the service in the store? 5. Do you like shopping? 6. Which days of the week do you prefer to go shopping? 7. Why do you prefer the store to the market?   a. Любите ли вы ходить по магазинам? b. В какие дни недели вы предпочитаете ходить по магазинам? c. Что вы обычно покупаете в магазине? d. Нравится ли вам обслуживание в магазине? e. Сколько магазинов находится в непосредственной близости от вашего дома? f. Какие отделы в магазинах вам нравятся больше всего? g. Почему вы предпочитаете магазин рынку?


III. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа:

1. Sam ____ (lose) his keys. So he can’t open the door.

a) lost b) has lost c) is lost


2. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already ____ (stop).

a) had already stopped b) stopped c) has stopped


3. I hope I ____(finish) my test by midnight.

a) finished  b) will have finished c) is finished


4. My sister just ___ (leave) for the bank.

a) left b) will have left c) has just left


5. The girls were good friends. They ____ (know) each other for 5 years.

a) knew b) had known c) will have known


6. I never ___ (try) Japanese food.

a) have never tried b) have never tryed  c) tried


7. Ted was so happy because his dream ____ (come) true.

a) came b) had come        c) has come


8. We ____ (be) to Paris many times.

a) be b) were  c) have been



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